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Worship Committee
2024 Chair Mellody Hartelius-Reaves

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What a privilege to serve the Lord on this committee and its subcommittees.   This group of faith-filled people meet monthly to oversee aspects of the Sunday worship services as well as special services such as Advent, Lent, Christmas, and Easter.  One of the fun responsibilities is choosing the hymns "Do we know that tune?" is often heard.  And then someone will break out in song for us.


Responsibilities include:

* Acolyte - adults and youngsters alternate in lighting the candles and presenting the offering,

* Altar Guild - it is an honor to "dress" the altar, choose the flowers, set up banners, and prepare the communion.

* Assisting Minister - Pastor's right-hand man/woman, who participates in leading the worship.

* Audio/visual - the person who displays the bulletin on the wall, for the convenience of those who can't see the small print in the handout.

* Children's sermon - the pastor and the laity alternate sitting down with the children (of all ages) and "translate" the Gospel lesson for the day.

* Greeter - We always want to be a welcoming church and a smiling face at the door sets the stage.

* Lector - getting to read the old and New Testament passages for the day.

* Liturgical art - inspired by the Gospel lesson for the day, the "artist" creates a display that reflects the message.

* Music ministry - Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!  Amen and amen!  We have the best piano accompanist  in town.  And he has a beautiful voice that encourages us to sing with fervor.

* Ushers - the people who make sure you have a bulletin, guide you to the communion rail, collect the offering, and check the pews for supplies, etc.

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